Wikileaks: Romania, among dissatisfied countries by the NATO response at the Russian military exercises in 2009
Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 11:45Russia can face a small conflict in West of the country but cannot answer simultaneously to two conflicts or one conflict in the East, an American cablegate regarding NATO’s answer to the Russian military exercises in 2009 that has been criticized even by Romania reads, news agency Mediafax reports.
In the note released by Wikileaks and quoted by Aftenposten in its online edition, NATO presented on November 18, 2009 a report on the Russian military exercises at Zapad and Ladoga. Exercises focused on countering a possible attack launched by Poland and Lithuania against Russia and Bielorus and included the used of ballistic missiles.
NATO’s report read that the military Russian exercises were aimed to remedy deficiencies identified in the 2008 conflict in Georgia. Russia’s military exercises, according to the report, proved that the country has a limited capacity to run operations in collaboration with air forces and continues to rely on old equipments and needs more military.
Canada and several other allied countries in Eastern and Central Europe including Romania criticized the “failure”of NATO to give a proper response to the Russian military exercises. Critics were included n a document signed by Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania tht asked the organization of talks on Russia within NATO. Romania expressed its views that Russia’s exercises resemble with those it conducted in the Cold War period and are part of a worrying behavior.
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