The 2005 London bombings were a “natural consequence” of Britain’s policy of sheltering terrorists, and the U.K. government was warned in advance, newly leaked documents show.
American diplomats sent a cable just five days before the bombings saying Britain had ignored repeated warnings about the number of Islamic refugees making the country home, reports the Daily Telegraph.
Many of the refugees fled to England because they were wanted for terrorist outrages elsewhere, the cable, obtained by the website WikiLeaks, shows.
The bombs killed 52 people on London’s transport system in July 2005.
The cable came from a former military attaché at the Algerian embassy in Washington. It warned U.S. diplomats that Britain was “aligning itself with the devil” by giving asylum to members of two “very dangerous” terrorist groups. Washington passed the cable on to London.
“The British thought that sheltering terrorists was a good solution, but they did not realize that one can never align oneself with the devil, and they did precisely that for years and years,” warned the Algerian.
Lord West, security adviser to former British leader Gordon Brown, admitted the country was “very slow in realizing the danger of the radicalization that was going on.
“Some of these ghastly people said loathsome things about our nation and our way of life,” said West. “Yet when you tried to get them to return to their own country they stuck here like bloody limpets.”
Read more on Newsmax.com: WikiLeaks: UK Warned Ahead of London Bombings
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