Wikileaks: Egypt's Mubarak Likely to Remain in Office for Life
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 02:08
A cable released on the Wikileaks website and reported on by Britain's Guardian newspaper quotes a U.S. envoy as saying Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak may remain in office for life.
The Guardian says the information is in a May 2009 secret cable that U.S. ambassador to Cairo Margaret Scobey sent to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The newspaper quotes Scobey as saying Mr. Mubarak will probably seek re-election next year and would "inevitably" win. She said the 82-year-old leader is "most likely to die in office," rather than voluntarily step down.
According to the Guardian, Ambassador Scobey also described the Egyptian leader, who has been president since 1981, as a political survivor who maintained his long grip on power by avoiding risks.
The newspaper also quotes Scobey as saying Mr. Mubarak's son, Gamal, as the person most likely to succeed him.
The Guardian released the information Thursday, a day after leading Egyptian opposition figure Mohammed ElBaradei called for a boycott of the 2011 presidential elections.
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate called Egypt's election process a "farce" in a video message on his Facebook website.
Earlier this month, Mr. Mubarak's National Democratic Party swept to victory in parliamentary elections, after the country's two main opposition groups boycotted a second round of voting to protest alleged fraud.
Wikileaks: Voronin no longer expects Russians to do anything about Transnistria
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 01:15"Without responding directly, Saakashvili said Moldovan President Veronin (Voronin) had told him that he no longer expected the Russians to do anything about Transnistria to resolve the problem, and he would now approach the Europeans for more assistance," quoted from the document.
Wikileaks: U.S. Ambassador in Bucharest made efforts to persuade the Romanian authorities to buy F-16
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 00:51WikiLeaks: Terrorists Targeted Hong Kong During Olympics
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 00:06
- AP
- Hong Kong was on a list of targets for terrorist groups during the Beijing Olympics, according to a cable released by WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks details unsuccessful U.S. efforts to modernize Cairo's military strategy.
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 00:49
Wikileaks: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo also mentioned – updates daily!
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 07:00
[Roland Galharague, MFA
A/S-equivalent for Continental Europe] asked that the USG work together with
the EU to discourage the Serbians from proposing a new U.N.
resolution on Kosovo, stating that Serbian Foreign Minister
Jeremic “seems to believe Serbia can win on Kosovo and win EU
entry. We need to let him know this is not true.” Right
now, Galharague reported, “the Serbs are furious with us (the
French)” in response to the demarche the GOF delivered in
Belgrade in early February (reftel) about Serbia’s possible
plans for a U.N. resolution. “We delivered the message in
very forceful terms.” In fact, the Serbs interpreted the
demarche as a major change in position, Galharague reported.The EU had thus far maintained the position that the issues
of Kosovo and Serbian entry into the EU were not formally
linked. “There was no formal conditionality,” Galharague
said, adding that the Serbs now understand that to be a
member of the EU they must eventually recognize Kosovo. “We
told them we do not want another Cyprus,” he explained,
referring to Cyprus’ controversial EU accession in 2004 as a
divided island where EU legislation remains partly
“suspended” in the northern part of the island which is
outside of the government in Nicosia’s control. Nonetheless,
Galharague predicted the Serbs will likely go ahead with the
U.N. resolution in any case, and the USG and the EU will be
forced to oppose it.Furthermore, Galharague asserted, before the
Serbs join the EU, they will need to resolve key issues with
Kosovo in the fields of justice, police, customs, transport,
agriculture, and also any differences over names and
terminology. The best way for Serbia to address issues
related to Kosovo is by working with the European Union Rule
of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). “At the end of the day,
though,” he reiterated, “Serbia must recognize Kosovo if it
wants to join the EU.”
During a December 12 meeting with the Ambassador,
Council of Europe (COE) Secretary General Terry Davis
complained of what he described as continued NATO
unresponsiveness to COE requests for access to KFOR-run
detention centers in Kosovo. He claimed he had sent seven
separate letters to NATO SYG de Hoop Sheffer, none of which
had elicited a satisfactory response. Davis described Kosovo
as a “black hole” for the COE Committee on the Prevention of
Torture, notwithstanding the fact that the COE charter gives
the organization the right to visit any detention place in
member states. Given NATO’s obsructionism, Davis told the
Ambassador—“as a courtesy,” he said—that he would have
no/no choice but to “go public” over the issue in early 2006.¶3. (C) Davis concluded that others, but not he, had begun to
“connect the dots” and were speculating that Kosovo might be
a site for secret CIA prisons free from international
scrutiny. We note that on November 26, Le Monde carried an
article in which the COE’s Human Rights Commissioner, Alvaro
Gil-Robles, is reported as claiming that a September 2002
visit to Camp Bondsteel had given him the impression that it
may have served as a detainee camp. This story was rebutted
the following day in Le Figaro and Le Monde by the French
general who was in charge of KFOR at the time, who stated
that all interrogations of suspects at Bondsteel had been
conducted in the presence of NATO—that is to say, French—officers.
¶12. (C) FM Kouchner said that Bosnia remained a
problem, but, it was important to simply “follow the
road.” It was important to push the Serbian government
closer to the EU, though he conceded this was difficult
due to Dutch and Belgian objections to the failure of
the Serbs to hand over Ratko Mladic to ICTY. Presumably
referring to EULEX, he said there was success on the
ground in Kosovo as the two sides were not killing each
other and concluded that things were not in a bad place
for the moment
Spanish Ambassador Eduardo Aguirre to Daniel Fata, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy, US Department of Defense on Spanish Kosovo troops:
In the Balkans, where its troops have served for more than 15 years, Spain has shown its ability to maintain troops for the long-term. Right now, however, we need keep making our case to keep troops in Kosovo. For domestic political reasons and fear of provoking Russia, Spain is ambivalent about the current direction of Kosovo policy. So long as there is a UN resolution authorizing the Ahtissari plan, Spain will maintain its troops in KFOR. If the UN fails to agree on a new resolution, Spain has said that it would have to seriously consider pulling its troops out, but has emphasized that it would do this only in extremis and only in careful consultation with allies. We need to keep the pressure on, reminding Spain that NATO has a critical role and that we can’t let the Russians drive a wedge between the US and Europe on issues like this.
MFA Assistant Minister Mohamad Al-Rumaihi told Ambassador December 20 that Qatar’s IMF and World Bank votes in favor of Kosovo show Qatar’s true sympathies on recognizing Kosovo. The Russian President, however, has asked Qatar to “go slow” in announcing recognition, he said. Out of sensitivity to Russian concerns, Al-Rumaihi said, Qatar has done so. He encouraged Secretary Clinton to ask HBJ about the timing of Qatar’s eventual recognition, noting that that Qatar had been approached by organizers of a UK project about using its good offices with the Government of Kosovo to protect Kosovo’s Christian heritage once Qatar formally recognizes its independence.
”[Elysee Diplomatic Advisor Jean-David] Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and public after signing two technical protocols with Serbia. They are hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into municipal elections. [Assistant Secretary Philip H.] Gordon stated that the Kosovars will have to accept the protocols but that it should be clearly explained that these are technical agreements that have no impact on Kosovo’s independent status. Levitte also criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo’s government. Levitte noted that Jeremic “makes big promises” every time he comes to France, but doesn’t follow through. Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to be the “modern face of Belgrade” that he purports to be.
[ Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun] Sinirlioglu registered the Turkey Government’s determination to resist perceived EU efforts to exclude Turkey from the Balkans, particularly Bosnia. He identified effecting rapprochement between Bosnia and Serbia as Turkey’s immediate diplomatic goal for the region. Towards that end, Sinirlioglu said, we convinced Haris Siladjdzic, who had been in Ankara the day before, to cease references to Serbian “genocide.” The United States and Turkey have “agreed to disagree” on the Membership Action Plan (MAP) for Bosnia; nevertheless, “we value your involvement in the Balkans.”
—We encourage you to recognize an independent Kosovo, as
Saudi Arabia and others have now done. We certainly
appreciate your votes in favor of Kosovo in the IMF and World
Bank. They are important precursors to formal recognition,
but when will you take that final step?
Guido Westerwelle also spoke against any type of automatic decision in favor of membership for Turkey. There was also general agreement that the EU is not ready for new members at this time beyond Croatia
Chancellery National Security Advisor Christoph Heusgen revealed that Serb President Tadic was coming to Berlin the week of November 16 for consultations. He noted that while Tadic always claimed to be tough on Republika Srpska PM Dodic, he needed to be tougher. While expressing pessimism about whether it would ever be possible to turn Bosnia into a “working state,” Heusgen agreed it was important to keep trying
Wikileaks : Romania - Transit country for CIA flights, prostitutes supplier and victim of Russia's energy policy
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 00:45The documents revealed by Wikileaks in the press reveal four new mentions of Romania. According to Hotnews.ro, in two documents from the US Embassy to Paris, Romania is mentioned as a source of prostitutes and a victim of Russian and Ukrainian energy policy. Documents also refer to American military HQ in Romania and Bulgaria. Cables released note Pierre Moscovici's comment in 2006 about Romania's joining the EU.
Romania or Bucharest appear in cables sent by US Embassy to the world. Most refer to the NATO 2008 Summit in Bucharest and mention the capital as a location for the event.
February 1, 2007: a document refers to Romania in a cable of US Embassy to Madrid. The cable presents an invetigation over CIA flights in Europe. The cable mentions a CIA flight on the route Guantanmo - Tenerife - Constanta, Romania on April 12, 2004
In 2006, Romanian daily Evenimentul Zilei published an investigation showing that there were about 10 CIA flights entering the country. The planes, part of CIA were suspected of transferring, on the globe, terrorist detainees.
The four cables involving Romania:
October 22, 2009 A cable presents an information for FBI director Robert Mueller reading that France is a destination of prostitute victims and Romania appears as a supplier of prostitutes.
June 26, 2007 A cable presents a discussion among American and French diplomats. One of the French diplomats comment that Russians could argue that American military bases in Bulgaria and Romania are destined not only for trainings but also for new implementations. The comment is not explained nor commented.
June 5, 2006. US Emabssy to Paris informs about a talk between Pierre Moscovici and Victoria Nuland, US Ambassador to NATO. The cable reads that Moscovici said that Romania and Bulgaria will join the EU in 2007 but the joining will be accompanied by heated debates.
February 5, 2009 Hillary Clinton meets French Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner and talks include a mention that Romania and Poland were completely cut off from the energy policy and Russian and Ukrained were terrible. Kouchner said that a group of Europeans attempt to ensure a pipe for one country or the other.
Wikileaks: US advises Belgium on how 'to attain prominence in Europe'
0 comentarii Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 02:40This really is priceless.
The leaked cables appear to reveal discussionsbetween various countries on whether they would take prisoners released from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility:
When American diplomats pressed other countries to resettle detainees, they became reluctant players in a State Department version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if it wanted to meet with President Obama, while the island nation of Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions of dollars to take in Chinese Muslim detainees, cables from diplomats recounted. The Americans, meanwhile, suggested that accepting more prisoners would be “a low-cost way for Belgium to attain prominence in Europe. ...”If nothing else, this is quite an enlightening insight into how the US views EU politics and relations between member states: take a low-threat Guantánamo
It will take rather more than that for Belgium to attain prominence in Europe.
But this was the 'low-cost' option.
Alternatively, they could incur huge debt, say 11 times the size of GDP; bankrupt their national treasury; make pledges to creditors which amount to 220 per cent of the country’s annual economic output; call in the IMF and the ECB; arrange a bail-out; and then default on their agreements.
Belgium will then be as prominent as Greece and Ireland.
But that is the 'high-cost' option.
As the US State Department points out, taking a Guantánamo inmate is a lot cheaper.
Unless, of course, he starts blowing you up.
Since the end of the Korean War, China has foot the bill through all of North Korea's natural disasters, famine and arms expansions, without a peep. While they were developing nuclear weapons, stirring up trouble, playing rogue and thug, China kept footing the bill, still without complaint. If we don't stop letting them take advantage of us, then there's going to come a day when China will have to pay a bloody price for North Korea! […] China has enough problems of its own; paying for North Korea's is just stupid and needs to stop!
奥巴马曾经说过:谁都不喜欢 别人说自己坏话,但开放的民主自由是发展的前提。(09年访华 演讲)
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