Wikileaks : Romania - Transit country for CIA flights, prostitutes supplier and victim of Russia's energy policy
Publicat de Mr. Miaghy la 00:45The documents revealed by Wikileaks in the press reveal four new mentions of Romania. According to Hotnews.ro, in two documents from the US Embassy to Paris, Romania is mentioned as a source of prostitutes and a victim of Russian and Ukrainian energy policy. Documents also refer to American military HQ in Romania and Bulgaria. Cables released note Pierre Moscovici's comment in 2006 about Romania's joining the EU.
Romania or Bucharest appear in cables sent by US Embassy to the world. Most refer to the NATO 2008 Summit in Bucharest and mention the capital as a location for the event.
February 1, 2007: a document refers to Romania in a cable of US Embassy to Madrid. The cable presents an invetigation over CIA flights in Europe. The cable mentions a CIA flight on the route Guantanmo - Tenerife - Constanta, Romania on April 12, 2004
In 2006, Romanian daily Evenimentul Zilei published an investigation showing that there were about 10 CIA flights entering the country. The planes, part of CIA were suspected of transferring, on the globe, terrorist detainees.
The four cables involving Romania:
October 22, 2009 A cable presents an information for FBI director Robert Mueller reading that France is a destination of prostitute victims and Romania appears as a supplier of prostitutes.
June 26, 2007 A cable presents a discussion among American and French diplomats. One of the French diplomats comment that Russians could argue that American military bases in Bulgaria and Romania are destined not only for trainings but also for new implementations. The comment is not explained nor commented.
June 5, 2006. US Emabssy to Paris informs about a talk between Pierre Moscovici and Victoria Nuland, US Ambassador to NATO. The cable reads that Moscovici said that Romania and Bulgaria will join the EU in 2007 but the joining will be accompanied by heated debates.
February 5, 2009 Hillary Clinton meets French Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner and talks include a mention that Romania and Poland were completely cut off from the energy policy and Russian and Ukrained were terrible. Kouchner said that a group of Europeans attempt to ensure a pipe for one country or the other.
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